Synergy :: Bali

Dates To Be Announced

Calling all real and passionate women entrepreneurs!  Ready for that “something new and brilliant?!”  Do you long to travel?   Discover your next creative vision in our intimate group of change-making women amidst the garden of delights that is Bali!

Are you ready?...


You wake up your third morning in Bali… the birds, the Balinese rice paddies, a private morning swim waiting. As you take a deep breath and stretch, you can sense the possibilities. Just out your windows are a thousand greens reaching toward blue skies… and you smile. You’re here.

A dream for so long, and now… you find yourself relaxed and immersed in what you could only describe as Joy. “Some adventures are quiet,” you think, as you step out into the garden to collect fresh frangipani blossoms for your little banana leaf basket—your offering of gratitude this morning mingled with the offerings of people across Bali.


Can you feel yourself here?

Of course you can…

The Experience

I have discovered a secret for living my amazing life and growing my business that is so fantastic and unlikely… Travel! I want to unleash you into the real Bali, not Bali-the-brand, to explore, taste, wonder, giggle, connect, be blessed, and create.

We will practice yoga to open our bodies, meditate for our inner listening, and make offering from our hearts to feel beauty, joy and gratitude. Though it makes me laugh to say it, meditation in Bali is somehow easier. The seriousness with which we anchor our lives is mysteriously set free here.

Bali is balance.

The first day I arrived, I met my teacher though I didn’t yet know it. I asked him to help me see Bali and he told me, “Tri Hita Karana.” Harmony with the people. Harmony with the mother—the earth. Harmony with the God.
Though I heard his words, it took me two months of being here to begin to comprehend a lifetime of practice in the Balinese heart.
Bali is balance—but balance like a dancer, not a scale– in constant movement from the center instead of weighing one thing against another. A life principle for me as I understand life is not one thing.

But Why?…

As women creating our own work, I know that we all have our own answers, and most likely you’ve learned how to tap those answers by the time you’re at this stage of the game. At the same time, my mentor says, “I’m not interested in my ideas, I’m interested in the BEST ideas.” And I have to agree.

It can be tough to get off our own island—we many not even realize we had gotten back onto it—and open up new possibilities we hadn’t considered. The inception of this retreat series has been calling me for years, and it is time. As women and as entrepreneurs, we have a unique perspective on our lives and our work. We also are a pretty independent bunch. I absolutely love this about us, AND… I know it can also hold us back. I know it does.

Being on the island, we consciously or subconsciously expect ourselves—again—to have it all figured out, perfect, wrapped up and professional. And though we also may intentionally work to stay vulnerable and open in our businesses and our lives, we long for a community of those who understand the same struggles, share the same glorious ambitions and vision. We want a space where we can also pull back the curtain and share the real imperfections, avoidances, insecurities and natural processes that we all have in common.

And use this to vision and create our next amazing venture!

And even if you have this with a select few people, every one of us can use a fresh pair of eyes (or ten) on our projects and where we are. We also need the encouragement and belief of others walking that similar path. This is not weakness or dependence, but necessity. Our success and the success of those we help is tied to it.

For the past 4 years, I have traveled for months in the midst of my business to bumblingly and bravely begin creating location independence. I’ve had extraordinary adventures, heartbreaking failures, and found surprisingly that I’d stumbled upon travel as an unlikely business muse and private channel into my creativity, passion, vision and action like I’d never experienced before.

Join me at this crossroads of life and business, to immerse yourself in the global miasma of travel. Those of us who come together are destined to meet each other to laugh, get real, share the secret sauce, ride out on a scooter adventure into the heart of Bali, and collaborate with hearts and minds on how we will bring our influence to the world better than ever!

Why Bali?

Bali is feminine—water and fire. Oceans, rivers, volcanoes. She is transformative and renewing, caring for the spirit, the body, the mind and the heart. It makes sense then that Bali is also a culture of art, music, dancing, ease and all that is inspiring. Our retreat Synegenesis, is the marriage of feminine synergy and new creation perfectly brought together in the simple wisdom and the exotic power of Bali herself.

“Hati… hati” “Slowly… slowly” …the Balinese women say to me with soft careful eyes.

Their words and smiles teach me to see the moment.

To be thoughtful as I climb on my scooter or head out to dive.

Life is lived in the moment.

Our spirit is set free as the mind relaxes

and we begin simply seeing where we are.

Right.  Now.

The Venues:

You will be enchanted by two locales in Bali…  I want you to know the jungle and rice terraces north of Ubud, and I want you to drink in the sun and sea in the tiny village of Amed extending lazily along the upper Eastern coastline.

I discovered our first little paradise from my scooter as I headed north on the tiny roads out of Ubud.  I took a tiny side road and passed fresh laundry washed in the stream and spread on the clean grasses along the side of the road.  A little further, I saw a driveway ascending steeply out of sight into rice fields.  The sign said Villa JJ and Spa, and as I passed it, I stopped, backed up, and gunned my little Scooby up the steep drive.  Ahead of me lay the Villa JJ and Spa, a gorgeous oasis of gardens and elegant bungalows lovingly nestled amidst silvery green rice fields along the edge of the ever-present Balinese jungle.

The bungalows are tucked away amidst three artful infinity pools with fountains and stone mosaics pathways.  In your room, you will discover your spacious sanctuary within our oasis, with tropical hardwoods, luxurious beds draped in white sheers, high thatched ceilings, gardens in the bathrooms, and open-air showers under the jungle canopy.

I would gather them each day to make my own simple offering to the God.  In my room, I had laid out my saffron pashmina I found in McLeodganj India, my traveling Ganesha (god of prosperity and remover of obstacles), my rose quartz angel of Traveler’s Safety (a gift from a heart-sister), a Balinese offering coin, and the white coral letters  L-O-V-E, I discovered in Amed itself.

My own little temple.

Imagine my surprise to come back to my room one day and discover a small vase of fresh frangipani on my altar.  The next day, more flowers magically appeared and my Ganesha was now nestled into and surrounded by pink and white frangipani blossoms.

Each day some new little offering was added to my temple by Wayan Sueni and Wayan Sana—my angels in Amed.  One of the greatest gifts of the Barong and Amed has been the seven beautiful souls who have helped me, smiled into my eyes, welcomed me, shared Christmas with me, been delighted by my bumbling attempts to speak Bahasa, and solemly bade me hati hati—be careful, Carmell.

And… made offering at my little temple for me.

Acts of love, all.

I want you to meet my Balinese family yourself and find offerings lovingly added to your own temple whether of saffron pashmina and flowers or simply of your heart.

And our meals will be shared together in the open-air dining room with the beautiful thatched roof, teak furnishings and surrounded by exotic bird-of-paradise, colorful freesia and frangipani trees.

The perfect setting for your discovery of Bali, your heart, and the next chapter of your life.

Halfway through our week, we will be taxied from the high rice fields and jungle to the quiet village of Amed and the beaches along the Java Sea.  Here you will find yourself worshiping the Balinese sun from an infinity pool that looks like it drops right off into the ocean.  The Barong boutique bungalows will capture you with their white on white rooms, ultra comfortable beds, and lush tropical gardens.

One of my private joys of Amed and the Barong was walking down the garden paths strewn with fresh frangipani of yellow, pink, white, and orange blown softly from the branches by the ocean breezes each morning and evening. Exquisite.

The Cuisine:

The Balinese culinary experience is legendary. There are a million things you can do with rice, and in Bali, those things are very good. The unique blending of tropical fruits with savory spices, chiles (we’ll keep it milder for you), jungle leaves and herbs I’ve never heard of like Betel leaf… And the light, healthy marriage of fishes, chicken or shrimp with fresh vegetables at each meal will be sure to delight your palate every day with new experiences. Vegetarian or not, you will love the cuisine!

The cuisines of this area of the world have all influenced each other over centuries.

Our chef will be preparing both meals an snacks throughout our week, giving you a wide taste adventure across Bali, further Indonesia, Java, and even some Thai influences.

Every day you can choose from a selection of fresh pressed organic juices that fit your body’s needs. From fresh fruits to serious green drinks. Local kombucha will be available. You will get to taste Jungle Salad made with Urab, fresh toasted coconut and roasted garlic. And many other divine salads.

Our desserts will be a blend of Balinese delicacies, and Western delights such as Chocolate Vulcano cake, raw sea salt chocolates, coconut lime cake, and locally made, award-winning ice creams from coconut milk.

We will have a wide selection of teas from Jasmine to Papaya Leaf, from fresh Ginger Lemon to Green or Black teas. The ardent coffee drinker won’t be disappointed either with excellent coffees straight from Java plantations and Arabica beans.

We welcome your food preferences and dietary restrictions.

The Delights:

We begin our retreat altogether with the Fire Circle. Fire is the beginning because it burns away all that is ready to be transformed and cleans the slate within us. Fire is emptying, and we cannot receive what is new until we have emptied ourselves. Like water, Fire is part of the Balinese life from the beginning with two live volcanoes on the island.

In the Trance Dance, fire is used to cleanse those who dance again and again into the coals, and in the Barong Ceremony, those who are taken by the evil spirits grab the fire brands of the priest and beat their bodies, even trying to eat the fire as they are cleansed of the spirits. Through fire, the whole community comes back into balance.

In the Fire Circle of our first peaceful evening, we come together to hold the fire for ourselves and for each other as

each woman cleanses herself and prepares to cross the threshold of her inner change.

There is a unique experience in Bali that I long for you to have… Bali is an island with small roads and tiny villages amidst lush rice terraces, jungle and mountains. By FAR, the best way to feel the freedom and ease of Bali is on your own scooter headed north. Riding leisurely with the breezes through the exotic countryside, you will let go as you never have. And don’t worry—it’s quite easy and safe but you always have the option of going by car too!

This is a true adventure ready and waiting for you!

I will lead you down the winding roads through Balinese rice fields and dense jungle, amidst flowers, sunshine and rain. You will drink in the glorious beauty in the gardens and fountains of the revered Gurung Kawi, descend for purification into the sacred waterfall of Sebatu, and perhaps even seek the revered water priestess for her blessing. We will discover Tirta Ganga, the Water Palace and explore the world of the Java Sea as we snorkel, dive, SUP or wade along the beaches—it’s up to you.

Shopping? You simply cannot miss finding amazing treasures in Ubud only 20 minutes away from our villa. And should you join the scooter adventure heading north, you can simply stop and jump off along the roads in the tiny towns with their special artists and local Balinese crafts ready for you to discover!

No immersion in Bali could be fulfilled without learning the art and beauty of Balinese cooking. We will taste the ingredients, spices and nuances of the heart of Bali itself in dishes such as Nori Goreng, Betel Leaf Salad, & Soto Ayam. And the best part is sharing and eating what we’ve just created!

I want you to release and relax with exquisite Balinese massage. Receiving and deep self care are an art and a practice. We have excellent therapists at Villa JJ to help you let go of your stress and tension and open fully to the balance of Bali herself. You will swim in pools, waterfalls and ocean, relax amidst the paradise gardens, and walk the terraces in the rice fields of Tegalalang.

Culminating our week…

Having danced through the water and the fire, softly singing under your breath the new song of your life, you will come all in white to our full moon ceremony. Joining hands, we will welcome the next adventure before us.

This is just a glimpse to entice all your senses,

and so much more awaits you!

The Bennies:

• First, you will relax, enjoy, and explore. It is the fastest way to open up new creative ideas and find solutions you’ve been seeking.

• Deep self care with regular massages, rest, swimming in sacred pools, thinking about nothing, soaking in the sun, smiling without realizing you are.

• You will laugh. A lot.

• You will unexpectedly feel a freedom you may never have known. I’m not kidding. A multi-millionaire Australian businessman told me his story when I arrived. He was right.

• Take off all the “hats” of your life for a bit–Feel yourself more authentically you without all the responsibilities and expectations.

• Vulnerability. At our stage of business and growth, it is difficult to take off the persona and GET REAL. And we know this is where the real magic happens. So guess what? 😉 We’re going in, baby!

• Take turns giving and receiving with other women in true brilliant heart and mind collaboration in our intimate vulnerable circle.

• New ideas. New ideas. New ideas. (Travel and exploring is one of my business secrets for creating my next fun & inspired growth!)

• Breakthroughs on the tough issues you may be facing as we come together in deep support and clarity for you.

• Broader vision. New plan. Next steps.

When you leave our retreat in Bali, I promise you will feel rejuvenated and alive, have new trust and clarity on your life and your business (they are mirrors, of course), and know your next important moves for business growth.


  • Boutique accommodations single or double occupancy nine nights (price variance)
  • Nine delicious breakfasts at our Ubud villa and Amed resort including daily fresh juices and smoothies
  • Nine healthy lunches• Nine culinary dinner experiences
  • Light buffet upon arrival, Balinese and fresh healthy snacks throughout
  • Seven mornings of yoga, guided meditation and writing to open your creative connection
  • Seven mornings of deep-dive transformation sessions + coaching + lots of juicy retreat conversations all week!
  • Sarong and Selendang (traditional sash) for our Fire Circle and for entering Balinese temples


  • Fire Circle ritual
  • Transportation for our day trips, scooter expenses
  • All excursion expenses including temple entrance fees, except temple offerings and personal shopping
  • Balinese cooking class and Silver jewelry making
  • Three Balinese massages
  • Full Moon ceremony with dinner, cocktails and dancing
  • ALL gratuities for our accommodations, excursions, spa, and special parties
  • Your donation ($100 per person) to our local non-profit organization (we have to give back y’all)
  • Special parting gift!

What’s Not-Included:

  • Your round trip airfare from home –  You must arrive into the Denpasar International Airport (DEL) only if you want to be picked up at the airport. You’ll be arriving April 16 and departing April 26.
  • Personal, medical or trip cancellation insurance
  • Snorkeling, Diving, SUP

Other non-included items would be souvenir shopping, personal phone calls, laundry, tips for your room staff are appreciated (we recommend $1 – 2 USD per day per person)  and your personal offerings at the temples we will experience. Temple offerings will range from $1 to $3 at each.

Your Life Artist Leader:

Carmell Clark has been coaching for 16 years, discovering how her own life, adventures, challenges, loves and transformations are a mirror of her clients and their journeys. This epiphany has led her to set out on a life of adventure and passion. The result? Continuously upping her game and bursting open new creativity in every area of her life. Travel makes that fast and incredible!

Her philosophy: We never “arrive” in Life. This means you get a dynamic passionate co-conspirator! She deftly knows the difference between the heart and the ego, and lovingly, courageously won’t let you off the hook for owning your truth and desire.

Carmell has uncanny and profound intuition, and the gift of truly seeing people. Her clients say her love and acceptance go deeper than they’ve ever experienced.

Carmell has encountered most everything. She is unafraid.
And she is unrelenting in following her heart.

Carmell does nothing halfway—a common phrase said about her. Her clear intent with these retreats is for you to make that quantum leap in your life that is aching and ready inside you.

Registration: Early Bird Pricing!

$2997 Pay in Full

$500 Deposit


Register and pay in full, before TBA , to receive this special early bird pricing!

You can hold your spot now with a non-refundable $500 deposit!*Payment plans are available. Please contact us directly to work out the best plan for you. Must be paid in full 6 weeks prior to trip departure.

Online Payments


Please note: Any cancellation will result in a forfeiture of the $500 USD deposit. Any cancellation received in writing between July 1, 2019 and September 8, 2019 will result in a loss of 50% of the trip price. Any cancellation made between: September 9, 2019 and the trip departure will result in a total loss of funds. We reserve the right to cancel the trip if it is not meeting the trip minimum (if we do so your deposit is refunded in full).

Trip cancellation insurance is always recommended whenever making travel plans.

You can use our suggested Travel Guard Insurance online and choose from several policy options.

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